Coronavirus: Borrelli says data ‘particularly comforting’

Health Minister Roberto Speranza said that: “for the first time since the start of the epidemic, the number of people recovered is higher than the number of new contagions. “It’s good news and important news, which tells us that the measures adopted are working and the sacrifices made by so many Italians are putting us on the right road”.

The Civil Protection department said Thursday that 57,576 people have recovered from the coronavirus in Italy, an increase of 3,033 in one day and the biggest rise since the start of the emergency.

For the fourth consecutive day, the number of people infected with COVID-19 declined: there are currently 106,848, a drop of 851 on Wednesday and the biggest fall since the start of the pandemic.  

The declining trend in the number of intensive-care patients that started on April 3 continued too.

Over one million Italians have taken swabs and the total number of swabs taken is almost 1.6 million.

Civil Protection Chief Angelo Borrelli told a press conference that the “numbers are particularly comforting: the number of people discharged from hospital and those who have recovered is higher than the number of new cases”. Meanwhile, the contagiousness index, R0, has dropped to a percentile between 0.5 and 0.7, the President of the Higher Health Council (CSS), Franco Locatelli, told the press conference. He added, however, that reopening the nation’s schools would take R0 back above 1.   

Locatelli said that summer could be “the time to resume play-sporting” activities for children, but under strict rules.

There certainly will not be summer camps, but it will probably be possible to go parks, but “with access limited to a set number, in order to avoid gatherings”.

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Source: Ansa

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