Coronavirus: Positive trend continues

The coronavirus trend remains positive in Italy but there are still active hotbeds of contagion, according to a monitoring report by the health ministry and the Higher Health Institute.

These are “small” but they are also sufficient for the experts to say that “the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy is not over yet” and that it is still necessary “to keep the guard up”. The data show that the situation in Italy has improved in the post-lockdown period.

Rt index

No Italian region has registred an Rt transmission index over 1, according to the monitoring of indicators for the May 25-31 week.

The indicators for this period confirm that the situation in the first transition phase is “positive on the whole”. Basilicata remains top of the table, while Lombardy is last with an Rt index of 0.91, compared to 0.75 the previous week. Campania, which was still in a verification phase the previous week, reported a index of 0.58.   

Right road

“The monitoring tells that we are on the right road,” said Health Minister Roberto Speranza.  “But we still need to be prudent and move gradually”.   

According to the health ministry-ISS monitoring report, the “general picture of transmission and the impact of SARS-CoV2 infection in Italy is favourable, with a general decrease in the number of cases and no signs of care services being overloaded”.

Furthermore, a “major improvement in the quality and detail of the data sent by the regions to the health ministry and the Higher Health Institute” was registered and discussed by the ‘Cabina di Regia’ coordination panel. Health Ministry Prevention Director General Gianni Rezza said that the response capacity “has improved globally” albeit with differences between regions.

Improved situation

“The situation in Italy continues to improve,” Rezza added.  “The number of new cases is falling and the Rt is under 1 everywhere”. But he also warned that “there are contagion hotbeds, which are quite small, but they tell us that it is necessary to keep the guard up and maintain the social-distancing measures”.

The monitoring showed that the lockdown measures “have effectively made control of Sars-CoV-2 infection possible” but, the experts say, it is necessary “keep the resilience of regional services high”.

Source: Ansa

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