Extend until 7 September 2020 the minimum precautionary measures to counter and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus.
The provision is contained in the new Ministerial Decree – Dpcm issued by the President of the Council of Ministers on August 7.
The new measures shall apply from August 9, 2020, in place of those contained in the previous Ministerial Decree – Dpcm of June 11, 2020, as extended by the decree of July 14, 2020.
The new document contains indications and measures that are commensurate to the current situation. The obligation to use masks in closed places open to the public is confirmed, as well as respecting the social distance of at least 1 meter between people and the recommendation of washing hands properly and frequently.
The Ministerial Decree- Dpcm also contains indications regarding the resumption of certain activities, including cruise services by Italian flagged passenger ships, which are scheduled to depart from August 15 and trade fairs and conferences, allowed from September 1st, as long as the organisation guarantees measures that are appropriate to the size and characteristics of the locations, in order to ensure that visitors will respect the interpersonal distance of at least one meter.
Moreover, from September 1st, the participation of an audience will be allowed in smaller sized single sports events that do not exceed the maximum number of 1000 spectators for outdoor stadiums, and 200 spectators for indoor sports facilities.
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