Covid-19: Council of Ministers extends state of emergency. Decree law with measures to fight contagion published on the Official Gazette

After meeting on October 7, the Council of Ministers decided to extend the state of emergency to January 31, 2021 and approved, upon the proposal of the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the Health Minister Roberto Speranza, the following Decree Law:

Urgent measures related to the extension of the declaration of the state of the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency, the operational continuation of the Covid alert system, and the implementation of EU Directive 2020/739 of June 3, 2020″.

The Decree, published in the Official Gazette on the evening of October 7, comes into force today.

Particularly, the Decree extends until October 15 all the measures contained in the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (Dpcm) of  September 7, 2020. All the provisions already in force that envisage the possibility for the government to adopt measures to contain and counter the health risks arising from the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are also extended, until January 31, 2021.

Moreover, the decree introduces the obligation to wear masks outdoors and indoors, other than in private homes, and extends the period of use of the Immuni App.

Below is a summary of the main contents of the Decree.

Use of masks
The Decree introduces the obligation to wear respiratory protective equipment at all times. Masks must be worn not only in closed spaces accessible to the public, but more generally in indoor spaces other than private homes, and in all outdoor spaces. Exceptions to these obligations are made, both indoors and outdoors, in cases where, due to the characteristics of the place or the actual circumstances, the condition of isolation from non-residents is continuously guaranteed. This is without prejudice to the anti-contagion protocols and guidelines provided for any business, productive, administrative, and social activities. In the workplace, therefore, the current safety rules continue to apply, without prejudice to the guidelines for the consumption of food and drink. Children under six years of age, people with pathologies or disabilities that are not compatible with the use of a mask, and those who interact with the latter, are excluded from these obligations. Wearing a mask will not be compulsory when performing sports activities.

Derogations to Regions
The Decree also provides for the right of the Regions to introduce measures derogating from those provided for at national level, pending the adoption of other decrees by the President of the Council of Ministers. It is provided that the Regions, within the limits of their regional powers and the provisions of Decree-Law no. 33 of 2020, may temporarily introduce more restrictive measures, even intensify such measures, i.e., in the sole cases and in compliance with the criteria set out in the Ministerial Decree- Dpcm. In this case, an “agreement” with the Minister of Health is envisaged.

Extension of the Ministerial decree – Dpcm of September 7, 2020
Pending the adoption of a new Ministerial decree – Dpcm, following the introduction of the new rules, the validity of the Ministerial decree – Dpcm of  September 7, 2020 is extended until  October 15, 2020.

Extension of provisions already in force
The provisions already in force, envisaging the possibility for the government to take measures to contain and tackle the health risks arising from the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are extended to January 31, 2021. In relation to the epidemiological trend and according to principles of adequacy and proportionality to the present risks, these measures may be established for specific areas or for the whole national territory and for predetermined periods, each lasting no more than thirty days. In any case, it will be possible to reiterate or amend these measures.

Immuni App
In order to contain the contagion, after an impact assessment in accordance with the European standards on privacy, the interoperability of the “Immuni” application with other similar platforms operating in the territory of the European Union is foreseen, and the period of use of the “Immuni” application is extended.

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