Covid-19, Inail-Iss document sets out measures for salons in Phase2

The Higher Health Institute – ISS and the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work – INAIL have prepared a joint document with measures for the reopening of hairdressers, barbers and beauty parlours, a sector where the professional and the customer are particularly close to each other, to contain the risk of SARS-CoV-2 contagion.

Bookings obligatory
It will only be possible for people who have previously booked to go to the hairdresser and seats must be alternated so that one is empty for each one that is occupied. As for beauty treatments, these must take place in closed cubicles and saunas are not allowed. 
The document says that visits to barbers and hairdressers must be “exclusively by prior booking, during which it is necessary to say what type of treatment is requested in order to optimise waiting times”.
Areas must be set aside for ‘technical’ waiting periods, such as those during a tint, and there should be dividing barriers for washing areas.

Minimum Distance
Furthermore, it is necessary to have a minimum distance between customers of two metres, with the alternation of seats and all areas sanitized every day.

Longer hours
The document says that, given that the measures are likely to reduce the number of treatments done at the same time and the need to guarantee access to these services after a long period of closure, salons should be allowed to extend their opening hours and open on days they would usually have to be closed.

No Steam treatments
Health and beauty centres, which usually use disposable materials anyway, will have to come up with alternatives to treatments that involve steam, and saunas, Turkish baths and jacuzzis are banned too.

Cubicles closed
During beauty treatments, cubicles must be closed and “all the equipment must be disinfected with alcohol- or chlorine-based detergent”.

Air circulation
It is recommended that salons facilitate the natural circulation of air and eliminate systems that “recycle” the air, both to cool it and heat it.

The use of facemasks is obligatory both in hairdressers and beauty parlours, for staff and customers alike.
Professionals who work on people’s beards and faces are advised to use visors or face screens in addition to masks.

Finally, the INAIL-ISS document stresses that it is “fundamental” to give workers training on the individual protection measures.

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Source: Ansa 

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Febbraio 2025