Covid-19, new government measure on containment and management of epidemiological emergency

The Council of Ministers, upon the proposal of President Giuseppe Conte and Health Minister Roberto Speranza, approved a decree-law introducing further urgent provisions on the containment and management of the epidemiological emergency caused by COVID-19.

The main points are as follows:

From January 7 to 15, 2021, no travelling between regions

For the period included between January 7 and 15, 2021, travel between different regions or autonomous provinces is banned throughout the country, except for proven work requirements, situations of necessity or health reasons. 

However, returning to one’s residence, domicile, or dwelling, is allowed, with the exclusion of travel to second homes located in another region or autonomous province.

Weekend January 9-10 in orange area with “small municipalities” exemption confirmed

On January 9 and 10, 2021, the measures envisaged for the so-called “orange area”  shall apply. (Article 2 of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of December 3, 2020). However, on those same days, journeys will be allowed from municipalities with a population of up to 5,000 inhabitants, within 30 kilometres of their borders, except journeys to provincial capitals.

Red area, “home visit” in your municipality is allowed

The text provides that from January 7 to 15, in the territories included in the so-called “red area”, it is possible for a maximum of two people to travel, once a day, to a single private home in their own municipality. The person or the two persons may be accompanied by children under 14 years of age (or other children under 14 years of age over whom the same persons exercise parental authority) and by disabled or dependents living with these persons. 

This is without prejudice, for the entire period between January 7 and 15, 2021, to the application of the other measures provided for by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of  December 3, 2020 and subsequent ordinances.

New criteria for risk areas

The decree revises the criteria for identifying risk scenarios on the basis of which the measures envisaged for the “orange” and “red” area will be applied.

High school students back to school from January 11

The decree also discusses the organisation of teaching activities in secondary schools, providing for the resumption of classroom activities for 50 per cent of the students, from  January 11.

Specific procedures for consent to vaccine administration

Furthermore, the decree-law provides for the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine administration plan (Article 1(457) of the decree-law of December 30, 2020, n. 178), specific procedures for expressing consent to the administration of treatment, for residents of assisted health care residences (or other similar facilities), who are without a guardian, curator or support administrator and who are not in a position to express free and informed consent to the administration of the vaccine.

Source: Press Release by the Council of Ministers

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Febbraio 2025