Covid-19, Speranza signs Ordinance on urgent measures to contain and manage health emergency

The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has signed a new Ordinance, which provides for urgent measures to contain and manage the current health emergency. In particular, the Ordinance provides for the obligation of molecular or antigenic testing for those coming from or transiting in some European countries at greater risk for Covid-19 in the 14 days prior to entry into Italy, and the obligation to communicate entry into Italy to the Department of Prevention of the Local Health Authority; the extension to October 15 of the Ordinances of  September 21 and  September 25, 2020.

The Ordinance comes into force today and is effective until the adoption of a subsequent decree by the President of the Council of Ministers, in any case no later than  October 15, 2020.

Below is a summary of the main prevention measures.

Entries or transits in Italy

Travellers who intend to enter the Italian national territory and who in the previous fourteen days have dwelled or transited in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Czech Republic and Spain, without prejudice to the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of  September 7, 2020, as extended by the Decree-Law no. 125 of  October 7, 2020, must take the following preventive measures, alternatively.

  • obligation to present upon boarding, to their  carrier and to whoever is responsible for checking, a certification that they have undergone a molecular or antigenic test, carried out by means of a swab and with a negative result, within 72 hours prior to entering the national territory;
  • the obligation to undergo a molecular or antigenic test, to be carried out by means of a swab, upon arrival at the airport, port or border location, where possible, or at their local health authority (ASL) of reference, within 48 hours of entering the Italian national territory; while waiting to undergo the test at the local health authority of reference, the persons are subjected to trustee isolation at their home or residence.

Notification of entry into Italy to the local health authority’s public health authority (DdP)

Travellers who in the 14 days prior to entering Italy have stayed or transited in Belgium, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Czech Republic and Spain, even if asymptomatic, are obliged to immediately inform the Prevention Department of the relevant local health authority upon their entry into the Italian national territory.

Communication to the Health Authority in case of onset of symptoms

In the event of the onset of symptoms related to Covid-19 it is still mandatory to promptly report this situation to the relevant Health Authority through the dedicated telephone numbers and to undergo isolation, pending the subsequent decisions of the Health Authority.

Extension of Ordinances 21 September and 25 September 2020

Without prejudice to the provisions concerning entry into Italy for those coming from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Czech Republic and Spain, the Ordinances issued on  September 21 and  September 25, 2020, are extended to October 15.

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