COVID-19 weekly monitoring report: “Attention on new outbreaks. Continue on a prudent line”

Here is an analysis of the data regarding the June 29-July 5 period, following the third phase of the reopening of activities on June 3, 2020.

As the time between exposure to the pathogen and the development of symptoms and diagnosis and the subsequent notification, it is likely that for many of the cases reported during that week, the infection was contracted two-three weeks earlier, so prevalently in the third phase of reopenings (between June 8 and 20, 2020). Some of the cases identified via screening, however, may have contracted the infection previously.

The weekly monitoring report by the Health Ministry, the Higher Health Institute (ISS) and Cabina di Regia control-room panel said that the overall picture of the transmission and impact of the SARS-CoV-2 infection in Italy remains one of a low level of criticality with a cumulative incidence of the previous 14 days (22/6-5/7 period) of 4.3 per 100,000 inhabitants (down slightly).

At the national level, a slight decrease in the number of newly diagnosed cases reported to the integrated surveillance system coordinated by the ISS was observed with respect to the previous week of monitoring, with national Rt number of < 1.

New cases of infection were diagnosed in almost all of the regions and autonomous provinces during the week of monitoring, with an increase in cases with respect to the previous week in some regions and autonomous provinces .This is largely due to intense screening and investigation of cases, with the identification and monitoring of close contacts.

In addition to outbreaks attributable to the importation of infection, some small chains of transmission of unknown origin continue to be reported on the national territory.

This highlights the fact that the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy is not over. The epidemiological situation, therefore, remains extremely fluid.

Gianni Rezza, the health ministry’s prevention director, said that the Rt reproduction index for the coronavirus has gone over 1 in several Italian regions due to “some outbreaks, of varying levels of seriousness, stemming from the importation of infection from abroad”.

It is necessary to reinforce social-distancing measures, with the awareness that the national health system is capable of identifying and containing these outbreaks,” he said.

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Febbraio 2025