Phase2: beaches open but with precise anti-contagion rules

Italy’s beaches will be able to open but with precise rules to minimize the risk of coronavirus contagion, according to a document drafted by The Higher Health Institute – ISS and the National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work – INAIL 

In order to make it possible to limit access to beach establishments to a set number of people, the document recommends “obligatory bookings, including for time periods during the day and “the use of fast payment systems, with contactless cards or apps/web portals.  “The routes to enter and exit should also be differentiated, where possible, with clear signage” is also recommended.

No pools
The use of swimming pools within the establishments will be banned. “Play-sporting activities that can cause gatherings and group games should be avoided and, for the same reason, the use of any swimming pools within the establishments should be forbidden,” it said. The document also said that “surveillance of the social-distancing rules among children must be guaranteed”.

Deck chairs and beach beds not positioned under a sun umbrella must be arranged a certain distance apart. 

The minimum distance between rows of sun umbrellas will be 5 metres and it will be 4.5 metres for those in the same row. Deck chairs and beach beds will have to be least two metres apart, with the only exception being for members of the same family or people who live together.

In any case, it will be necessary to make sure all surfaces are hygienized before the facilities are allocated to a new user, including during the same day.

As for the beach cabins “promiscuous use should be banned, except for members of the same family or people who share the same residence”.

Toilets and showers
It said that social distancing of at least two metres should be respected in toilets and showers “unless barriers separate units”.

Local rules
As for beaches that are free for everyone to enter and are not managed by establishments, “the methods of access and use must be set locally, identifying the most effective and suitable rules” bearing in mind their specific characteristics.

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Source: Ansa 

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Febbraio 2025