Speranza: phase two will be under “close scrutiny”, next step May 18

Phase two of Italy’s coronavirus emergency, which starts on Monday, May 4, will be under “special surveillance” as “we are still in an epidemic crisis”, health minister Roberto Speranza has said. 

Regional Monitoring
“The next step we have already set out is May 18 (when shops reopen) and then there will be others,” Speranza told RAI television. “But I want to reiterate that we want to accelerate as much as possible and the monitoring method we have build, based on the region governments, will make it possible for us to differentiate measures. “I believe that, at a certain point, it is right to imagine opening up more in regions that are more ready and having more caution in regions that are less ready”.

Great concern
The health minister said that his prevailing sentiment at the moment was one of “great concern” because “we are still in a crisis. “I wouldn’t like the message to come across that it is all over and that we are starting afresh as if nothing had happened. “Unfortunately, the epidemic is still here, although it is in some way diminished. “It would be wrong to think that everything is over”.

Individual responsibility is fundamentally 
Minister also made an appeal to the public. “You don’t win that match by decrees,” he said. “Individual responsibility is fundamentally important for this second phase. “A very difficult period is coming because there will be lots of people out and about, so respecting the rules is even more decisive. “But I think the country will be up to the challenge”.

Health investments
Speranza said the government is investing more money in the health sector for phase two, announcing that the upcoming ‘May decree’ will feature an “extraordinary investment that is highly significant in economic terms to reinforce the regional care network and the COVID hospitals.
“The utmost prudence is still needed and when we sign acts or premier’s office decrees, we cannot be swayed by the mood of the moment and we cannot seek popularity,” he added. “We need to make decisions that are not easy and probably will not win us support, but prudence is fundamental. “Decisions must be based on scientific data, which tell us that this virus is still very dangerous”.

Source: Ansa

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